External Ventilation Grilles

Square plastic external grille    

If installing in an external wall, we suggest you check with your local council for acceptability.
GLP150Grille Louvered Plastic Square 150dia w insect screen$47.92
VEMV100VSGrille louvre wall/ceil 100spigot 154x154sq &Screen$20.57
VEMV101VSGrille parallel core wall/ceil 100spigot 154x154sq wScreen$20.57
VEMV120SGrille louvrd core wall/ceiling 186sq &screen (no spigot)$27.88
VEMV120VSGrille louvrd core wall/ceiling 125spigot 186sq &screen$28.97
VEMV150VDSGrille louvre wall/ceil 100-150spigot 204x204sq variable dia$40.63
VEMV150VSGrille louvre wall/ceiling Plastic 150spigot 186sq &screen$41.47
VEMV250/200VSGrille Square louvre core 200diaSpigot 250sq wScreen$78.28

Gravity Louvres    

If installing in an external wall, we suggest you check with your local council for acceptability.
VEMV100VJGravity louvres Plastic 100mmSpigot 154x154sq$19.60
VEMV120VJGravity louvres Plastic 125mmSpigot 186x186sq$28.97
VEMV150VJGravity louvres Plastic 150diaSpigot 186x186sq$46.54
VEMV250/200VJGravity louvres Plastic 200diaSpigot 250x250sq$82.19
VEMVM150VJNGrille Gravity Stainless Steel 150diaSpigot 167x167sq$72.02

Round plastic external grille    

If installing in an external wall, we suggest you check with your local council for acceptability.
VEMV100BVSGrille Round louvrd core wall/ceil 100mm wFlangeInsectscreen$24.48
VEMV125BVSGrille Round louvrd core wall/ceiling 125mm with round flang$26.46
VEMV150BVRDGrille Round louvrd wall/ceiling adjFlange100-150 adjAirflow$36.21
VEMV150BVSGrille Round louvrd wall/ceiling 150mm w rnd flange&screen$29.35
VEMV50/2BVGrille Ventilation double sided round , dia50mm$15.36

Wall cowl    

If installing in an external wall, we suggest you check with your local council for acceptability.
VEMV102VKCowl wall mount 100mm w Rnd plasticflange &backdraftdamper$14.02
VEMV122KCowl wall mount 125mm with NO round coupling on back$16.41
VEMV122VKCowl wall mount 125mm with round flange - plastic$18.49
VEMV150COWLCowl wall mount 125face c/w separate 150mm g/s spigot [kit]$60.29
VEMV152VKCowl wall mount 150mm with round flange - plastic$52.74
VEMVM152BVSNGrille Cowl Round Stainless Steel 150 dia$66.80
VEMVM152VNGrille Cowl Square Stainless Steel 150 dia$70.97
VEMVM202BVSNGrille Cowl Round Stainless Steel 200 dia *$150.27

Fascia Grille    

Ideal for homes with no soffit. Can be powder coated to colour steel colours. POA.
FASCIA GRILLEFascia Grille c/w ANGLED adaptor (extra for powder coating)$151.31
FG-EBONYFascia Grille Face Plate Only - Ebony$71.88
FG-FLAXPODFascia Grille Face Plate Only - Flaxpod$71.88
FG-GREY FRIARSFascia Grille Face Plate Only - Grey Friars$71.88
FG-IRON SANDFascia Grille Face Plate Only - Iron Sand$71.88
FG-OTHERFascia Grille Face Plate Only - P/C Other$80.50
FG-PLAINFascia Grille Face Plate Only - Plain$63.25
FGA-ANGLEDFascia Grille adaptor - Angled$56.92
FGA-STRAIGHTFascia Grille Adaptor - Straight$56.92

Outside Air Louvre    

Provides weather protection of outside air or discharge openings while allowing free passage of air. Contact us for the availability of other sizes.
PYOAL150OAL251515 Outside Air Louvre 150x150$147.75
PYOAL200OAL252020 Outside Air Louvre 200x200$157.14
PYOAL250OAL252525 Outside Air Louvre 250x250$176.64
PYOAL300OAL253030 Outside Air Louvre 300x300$188.70
PYOAL350OAL253535 Outside Air Louvre 350x350$223.22
PYOAL400OAL254040 Outside Air Louvre 400x400$270.88
PYOAL450OAL254545 Outside Air Louvre 450x450$340.43
PYOAL450SG*PYOAL450 colour Sandstone Grey (Special,Auck only,Waste Out)$347.05
PYOAL500OAL255050 Outside Air Louvre 500x500$554.02
PYOAL600OAL256060Outside Air Louvre 600X600$590.08