Halton Fire Dampers

Circular fire valve.
  • Combines an exhaust valve and fire damper 
  • Designed to prevent fire and smoke from spreading in ventilation ducts
  • Halton Fire Damper Valves: Halton FDV
  • Smooth-Air is able to offer the full range of Halton specification products including:
    - Chilled beams
    - Displacement diffusers
    - Healthcare ventilation products 
    - Specialised grilles and dampers
Halton Fire Damper Valve Grille 100dia with spigot (exhaust)
Halton Fire Damper Valve Grille 125dia with spigot (exhaust)
Halton Fire Damper Valve Grille 160 with 150spigot (exhaust)
Halton Fire Damper Valve Grille 200dia with spigot (exhaust)
Halton Non Standard