Pipeline Conduit Capping

Pipeline Conduit Capping    

MIZU Slimline ducting is popular with installers for its aesthetic appearance and ease of installation.
PT1102M736001 Staark Straight Duct 110mm 2m$35.59
PT110BEND736008 Staark 110mm Bend$10.33
PT110CEILCAP736006 Staark 110mm Ceiling Cap$10.33
PT110ELBOW736013 Staark 110mm Elbow$11.91
PT110FLXJOINER736010 Staark 110mm Flex Joiner$18.48
PT110JOINER736012 Staark 110mm Joiner$7.58
PT110REDUCER736015 Staark 110mm Reducer$9.58
PT110TEE736014 Staark 110mm Tee$14.10
PT110WALLCAP736003 Staark 110mm Wall Cap$9.74
PT802M736000 Staark Straight Duct 80mm 2m$22.74
PT80BEND736004 Staark 80mm Bend$9.74
PT80CEILCAP736005 Staark 80mm Ceiling Cap$8.49
PT80ELBOW736009 Staark 80mm Elbow$9.74
PT80FLXJOINER736007 Staark 80mm Flex Joiner$17.33
PT80JOINER736011 Staark 80mm Joiner$6.49
PT80WALLCAP736002 Staark 80mm Wall Cap$9.74

Frame Fix    

Designed to reinstate the integrity of a penetrated top plate or stud.
PFFSimpleFix Frame (carton of 10)$233.58