Swirl Diffusers

Plastic Swirl Diffuser    

Spreads air from a multitude of jets in a vortex motion at an angle of 40?, horizontally and radially, away from the centre of the diffuser.
SD200Swirl Diffusers nom200mm - WhitePlastic - 240face 204neck$19.69
SD250Swirl Diffusers nom250mm - WhitePlastic - 329face 283neck$24.74
SDA200D1332 SwirlDiffuserAdaptor 200 BlackPlastic w/Damper 203spigo$27.97
SDA250Swirl Diffuser Adaptor 250mm - BlackPlastic - 254spigot$32.27
SDA300*Swirl Diffuser Adaptor 300mm - BlackPlastic - 305spigot$42.18

Lightweight grille box    

GBTDLW595TD LightWeight Grille Box 595x595 Tx - Specify Spigot dia$345.69

Metal Swirl & Twister Ceiling    

Creates an effective swirl motion that has excellent entrainment and provides the highest level of occupancy comfort.
TWSA308Twister Ceiling Swirl Diffuser 300x300 adj blade 8 slot$121.60
TWSA416Twister Ceiling Swirl Diffuser 400x400 adj blade 16 slot$144.99
TWSA648TwisterCeilingSwirlDiffuser600x600 32adj,16fixedblade 48slot$406.49

SHSD, RHSD, RSD, TSA Swirl Diffusers    

Designed for high air volumes while maintaining the many advantages of the highly inductive swirl action.
SHSD595-350Square Swirl Diffuser 595x350 fixed blade$136.56
SHSD595-500Square Swirl Diffuser 595x500 fixed blade$136.56